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Canal Gliding July 2022.jpg
Blue skies and a seascape showing a calm mindset which is required when making decisions

For Organisations

Throughout his career Daragh has presented his ideas and insights to audiences in boardrooms all over the world. He is a passionate and authentic communicator and connects naturally with his audience. Keynote speaking and presenting information on his areas of expertise are one of his fortes. He connects with individuals across all levels of the organisation.


His service offerings include the opportunity to speak with and listen to groups or teams of people who are interested in gaining insights into leadership and self-development in a business environment, hand and hand with achieving the organisation’s commercial goals and objectives, and meeting their customers’ expectations.

mentoring at a team meeting

 Daragh will complement the work you are already doing on

  • Serving the organisation and your customers

  • Developing your leaders of the future

  • Reducing headcount turnover and increase loyalty

  • Motivating people to discover their innate strengths and use them confidently

  • Taking the tough decisions while deepening business alliances

  • Meeting and exceeding company targets time and time again


Daragh will work with your organisation through workshops or through giving talks on Leadership in Business.

For Individuals

Working with Daragh as a Business Leadership Coach and Mentor will give you that safe place to talk through those areas of your professional life that you are curious about.  He has a wealth of experience in the complexities of leading teams, tactfully navigating leadership change within organisations, creating high performing alliances, building trust, identifying key leadership attributes and those areas which are ready to be enhanced and leading authentically through those unplanned events which naturally occur in business.

Coaching and mentoring an executive
  • How do you transition from being led to being the leader?

  • How do you manage the dynamics of change and grow long-lasting partnerships?

  • How do you make the transition smoothly and set yourself up for success in your role?

  • What are your innate strengths and how do you identify your true potential?

  • Serving your team as a leader and allowing yourself to be trusted.


Daragh will work with you as your coach or mentor confidentially, to work on the leadership outcomes you want to achieve.

For more on our services get in contact today

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